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  1. Well that's just highly convenient, now isn't it? Because I contacted support and sent a message almost identical to the one I sent you, the same day I sent you that private message. Never got anything from it, and you claim I didn't submit anything. Uh huh. Well, by all means then, since you make such a statement, I'll take "your word" up on it and submit another one right now.
  2. Just as I was about to finish my second post, your crappy site prevents me from editing it. Here's the last bit. "So where's my lifetime license, and why can't I download the new version? And don't tell me about contacting support, because I sent them a message almost a week ago and haven't received any response. I also sent you a private message proving that I was one of your original customers and had been given a lifetime license, but 5 days later and you haven't responded and I'm still unable to download the new version. So where's my lifetime license, and why can't I download the new version?"
  3. Can't even edit my first post since this buggy site keeps bugging, but since Sosha keeps saying we can download 1.29, why is it that THIS RIGHT HERE keeps showing up for me? The "customer service" is beyond deplorable, why the fuck would I ever trust you now even for my 5 dollars a month when you flat-out revoked my lifetime license and Jew'd us all of our money and trust in you, Sosha? Had a conversation with a friend about this. Lemme pull up some of it here... "5:18 PM - : >Retard actually believed he would get more money 5:18 PM - : >Doesn't realize his customer base is extremely small 5:18 PM - : >Doesnt realize his customer base is 1% of remaining War3 players, of a 16 year old game, who are universally despised by the other 99% of the player base, which also despises Sosha for making the mh 5:19 PM - : >Tries to scam his loyal customers who are his fellow hackers, doesn't understand why they're upset when he breaks monetary contracts" So where's my lifetime license, and why can't I download the new version?
  4. Originally Posted by Flash Yes, which means since I purchased this on January, I only have until November before I have to start paying for it again. Considering that he is adding three more months as "loyalty" (makes no sense because where is HIS loyalty), it will end on February 2019. Which means, he does not want to stand by the lifetime license. Welp, I messaged Sosha the very day he advertised the $50 lifetime license, bought mine and downloaded on April 19th of 2017, when barely anyone was even considering ponying up $50 for a maphack to a 16 year old game that has a small niche community of old hackers and whatnot. It's not like this is WoW or anything, or even runescape, but hurr durr, my supposed lifetime license is now defunct. He only updated it twice in that time, and only with patch 1.29 did my previous mh no longer work. Still, never thought my "lifetime license" would ever be revoked. I was one of his very first customers. Proof: https://i.gyazo.com/746b35da6322a217...d813c5b63c.png He could have just as well grandfathered everyone who bought it originally, the first 50 buyers to have their licenses permanent, or give them a normal-feature lifetime mh program, whereas his newer and updated ones with more features could be sold at a subscription fee. I wouldn't have minded, as long as the lifetime service I paid for would continue being available. The only reason why I paid that $50 in the first place was because I thought to myself "Well, it's a lot for a 16-year old game that not many people play, but it's a lifetime license so I guess it will be worth it over the long term..." Turns out I got scammed.
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